Undertones and Occurrences

Undertones and Occurrences Pathfinding Parenting

Things are in the air, and I’m not talking about the pollen.

Some of you have noticed things and you have spoken to me about them…many parents are driven to teach something very different from  the messages  given by “role models”. I know I’m not alone in seeing these odd undertones presented to us in the media.

In no way, is this about dividing or judging…this is about rescaling the balance and all of us deserve more. We were meant to live for ourselves and for each other and to reset the imbalance and inequality.

Below is a list of things that are both noticeable patterns, and that make me feel something is in the air…

So, what am I talking about?

  1. Children’s and kids movies/ shows– All I’m going to say is these are loaded with undertones and background images. If the background isn’t important to you, that’s fine and that’s what is intended- for us to overlook it.  However, these images are being noticed by lot of the intended audience members.  Do you ever ask, “Why those images? Why that subject matter?  Some of this is Product Placement but, there is more…How many movies are there depicting one awesome character while the rest of the characters are merely able to support that one super awesome character? Is that the picture of unity and equality? Does this sound like a stretch when so many of us have forgotten our own empowerment.
  2. The News. News isn’t just news.  Even if you haven’t taken a marketing class, you might be able to spot a sales pitch. The News excessively tells us who is good or bad or unfortunate or risky or whatever based on information we know nothing about.  It’s all from a third party. The media is more like a major marketing campaign acted out by actors and actresses, but it is based on emotions rather than an overt pitch. Fox seems to have  been acquired by Disney, though supposedly Disney did not acquire the news operations- Disney already owns ABC. GE and Comcast (together called NBCUniversal) owns NBC.  CNN is owned by billionaire, Ted Turner, CBS’s parent company is Viacom/ National Amusements.  Slightly convoluted? Our information should be from people with no vested interest and the internet shouldn’t be controlled by people with a stake in what we look at online. The easy pitch to spot is always about politics.  We all know which news channels are conservative and which are liberal.  However, we are being sold other ideas involving more than politics.  I’m not saying any of this is inherently bad.  I am asking is there a conflict of interest- when the media/information we look to, is controlled and reported and handled with bias? …   We are the ones paying for it in every way.  It may even influence the way and what, we teach our kids- the future stakeholders and decision makers It may also influence the way we alter the laws.
  3. Technology. Many of our devices force us to update our stuff, or else we will suffer the wrath of a malfunctioning device. I have even found out that a lot of our laptops come with “remote access” turned on.  I first saw this in my task manager.  And, there were several “Remote Access” programs running. This means someone else, somewhere else has access to our devices.  I understand that the obvious answer to this, is that it is for our best interest, so that everything is up to date and functioning.   For me, this feels very questionable, when my powered off laptop is updating every week in the middle of the night, Because the “updates” happen on a regular basis, or the audio app is running but minimized and I can’t maximize it.  I can’t even close it without digging deeper into my system.  I know this is happening to other people and I don’t know why.  These are our private devices. If we are unable to own a device without giving up say as to what is happening to it (with so many apps requiring our consent to give up information) than there’s a problem, and not with the people who own these devices. If you don’t think your information is important, think again.  We don’t even know how this information is being used, because explanations are so vague and general. Now, it seems our information is taken.  If we don’t start questioning this more in depth, what will be the ramifications- when one side knows what and how we use technology and information, while we seem oblivious and passive to what is happening?  One more thing…Isn’t it interesting that we are so watched, with cameras (cameras are all over my area), remote access, apps, and GPS in the name of security, yet, the media is always blasting us with all of the crime and shootings everywhere.  So, what is the security actually for…or is there another question we could be asking?
  4. There is talk from celebrities, with certain undertones. Unrest with politics and a need for a revolution (or change) is what you may be hearing. There is also a lot of talk of Spirituality and the teachings.  I have heard it and I see it.  They are good at it and know how to subtly appeal to us, because it is their jobs.  They are living billboards who are paid to endorse, support, and to spread messages. Before we side with people who have benefited from our work and money and taxes, and support, be careful.  If you think about it, how can celebrityship  maintain equality? “Prestige” or the spot light implies difference- these days.  I’m not saying all people in the media are “bad”, but their intentions are different from most of our intentions. There are examples.  If you think this is weird stuff, well dig deeper, for yourself.  Be your own authority and be careful of jumping onto another bandwagon where you have little say, or have to give more money or time or where someone else gains so much more than you or your kids.  The idea that we should have to owe something to someone who already has so much more- that is ending. And yeah, I know these famous people are supposed to be talented at something, but we aren’t less than anyone because we aren’t acting, singing, arguing on twitter, having elaborate weddings, or running for office to repeat the exact same things other officials have done.  I also know regular people who are humanitarians and do it simply because it is a part of who they are- but they will never be known for it.  We aren’t the faces on TV.  I also want to add that from what I see, the people who have taken a lot of power aren’t the faces you see on the streets.  It isn’t the teacher, the scientist, the academic, the soldier, the clerk or even the bankers- they answer to someone else who is hidden. Just look and see the trail.

What have you noticed?

Sometimes, it appears like we are just being herded along like cattle with our Chuck E Cheese Tokens (money) to trade for some object.  It doesn’t have to be this way.  Do look around.  There are patterns.

Do you think seemingly unrelated industries aren’t related by business deals?  Let me say this…in business school we all knew each other and we all knew who interviewed where and who got a job at what place.  Some of us kept in touch.  Why? Two rules to making money – use the people you know-network AND think outside of the box to dominate.  Many companies own each other or are working together, in seemingly unrelated ways.  That means there are a very few people at the very top running the show.  Oh, and one more thing on thinking outside the box.  I know many people think it is strange too get too far away from the box.  If you have an advanced degree, then you know it is preached that we learn to think different (though it is met with challenges at a university) – learn to think outside of the box.

If you or your children are already free thinkers, try not to hear the people who would try to demean you.  Don’t apologize for thinking on your own.  I do think it is important to act on that free- thinking ability.  You are a gem.

It’s not enough to know or feel a certain way.  We have to make good on our hearts.  We have to do what calls to us.  We can start by living happily and expecting more. Truly Live.