Introducing Rocket Science

Higher Education Pathfinding Parenting

We’ve all been told what the so called hard academic subjects are to learn, in school.  We also know what majors at a university are prestigious and difficult to get through…what if I told you (though some of you know) those hard sciences are set up to weed out students…that they aren’t meant to educate everyone and that they are taught to be difficult to understand.

Further down is a tip on how to get around this, now…

A not so secret, secret about academia:

What makes some academic programs prestigious is that they are exclusive, not necessarily difficult.  Being a part of an exclusive group usually means exclusive money or at least notoriety, later- doctors, lawyers, etc.  Plus, schools can’t let every undergrad make it through, or then they lose prestige.  Higher Education isn’t so much about teaching as it is about image and money.  Many profs will admit this, now. It’s a game, while many students (with huge loans) won’t finish with their original academic plan and in debt.

Here’s how to handle the “tough” subjects:

Look for the baby books on a particular subject matter-YES! They exist.

The very simple basics in these books are usually the most important aspects to these subjects, because everything else is built on these basics…plus, we learn how to ask better questions when we have a better foundation. I had one prof who taught us the basics to neuroscience in the clearest way, and it changed everything for me as I got through some of my other required classes.  I didn’t struggle, because someone actually taught me something…I have an average IQ, and I think that’s all it takes along with the right foundation.

No genius B.S. required for these subjects. ‘Genius’ is relative, anyway.

Obviously, these books won’t carry anyone through an academic program and that’s not what I’m saying.  I do think these books are great for simplifying puffed up subjects.

Try not to get caught up in the fact that these books are written for babies and young children.  As most parents know, babies are powerful teachers and their books can help us to remember how to effectively approach a seemingly difficult task…one small baby step at a time.  If you are buying a book for an older child, this is a great time to reinforce that age doesn’t determine the person’s worth (besides, how you learn something can be kept a secret.)

You can always google something like quantum entanglement for babies or biology for babies- actually, those are titles…but my point is not to sell someone’s stuff, seriously (those are actually clever titles and no, I don’t know any of those writers).  My only goal with this post, is to get ALL of our kids ahead of the old school games.  EVERYONE should have the opportunity for learning more than ABC and 123.

The other plus to baby books, is that we (the parents) have an opportunity to learn the same basics, in case we didn’t get a chance to learn certain subjects.

So, that’s it…look for baby books introducing the subject of your choice or a book based on your kid’s interest. From there, his academic understanding can build. Baby steps.

If your kid is struggling in a subject, do realize not everyone teaching, should be teaching and not everyone writing textbooks should be writing textbooks.  Kids are sponges and easily learn, if we allow it.  Sometimes, we have to be creative or get back to the basics (and what is more basic than the stuff for babies).  Some kids just need to realize they CAN understand.  The encouragement can lead to a spark of interest and self-esteem.

Oh, and if you can’t find something in the big bookstores, consider different sites online.  Sometimes, pre-owned books are better prices…

Do you think rocket science might become outdated soon?  Just a random thought…blasting people off always seemed archaic, to me…